As a startup company, with a social and health development mandate, we have made a humble beginning with key 5 projects, 3 in dairy development and 2 in fresh herbs. All the 5 projects are based on the 3i Frontiers of Grassroots Sustainability Innovative concept leading to "Atmanirbhar Bharat" - Self reliant India.
Vocal Kisan is an association formed of the leading dairy farmers in the 748 districts of India (survey of India -GOI courtesy) . We are in the process of identifiying the farmers based on the 3i frontier concept. The farmers base add to the repository of local knowledge and the efficiency of the resources use in the 10 dimensions of frontier dairy development.
Dairy Impact Assessment System or DIAS is a multi-user, multi-level web application and platform to assess the impact of farm input technologies and services of dairy stakeholders on the dairy farmer. FoGS global is developing in-house the innovative network of networks approach to integrate the whole Dairy value chain using IT, GIS and blockchain inventory of dairy technologies.
A online tool is being developed to enable every dairy farmer in India to benchmark his or her farm and identify the efficiency standing of the farm in his region or locality on social, economic and environmental benchmark standardized indicators. This serves as the starting point for farmers to be self-relaint locally and competiitive globally for Amanirbhar Baharat and to meet the Millenieum UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.
A disruptor to the herbal supply chain, providing doorstep delivery of fresh herbs + recipe, powdered herbs and potted herbal planting material. An independent market suvey on fresh herbal demands and issues found 60% of respondents interested in fresh herbs for medicinal and fitness use.
An innovative concept for fitness/wellness centres, fitness enthusiasts, convalescent patients with diseases, Garden enthusiasts) (rural and urban city gardeners) to develop a Herbal fresh garden club. The garden club will give access to fresh herbs to the local community and also a new way and space to understand utility of medicinal herbs and also work on the farm for mind relaxation and physical fitness. For details please visit the link below.
Coordination, training , validation and analysis of farm data collection
Data analysis and expert opinion for timeseries dairy data for Asian countries and outlook
Work with farm level model developmentfor analysis of production factors
Monitoring of milk prices at regional levelin India with expert opinion on its development
Policies for Agri-Food Sector Competitiveness and Investment, . analyzed the productivity and competitiveness of dairy farms in Russia coordinating and supporting the World Bank lead team and local team in Russia in data collection, analysis and report preparation.
dairy farm establishment in South East Asia, with support on financial analysis to help determine viability and preparation of a farm development strategy;
Competiveness of Dairy Industry in EU nation and drivers, Impact of feed supplement on GHG reduction in dairy farms
Networking and consultancy on dairy farm sector data analysis, monitoring and business intelligence with research partners
maintaining, analysing and reporting knowledge and intelligence in dairy farm cost economics in over 50 countries worldwide
Consultant to FAO in ProPoor Livestock Project Initiative (PPLPI) for its project in Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa for a risk analysis of smallholder dairy farming.
· ProPoor (PPLPI) projects with FAO and IFCN leading to publications and dairy development in the world
· Research on smallholder dairying with special focus on risk management and tool development, applied in PPLPI project in Andhra Pradesh and post-doctoral research
· Lead a team of surveyers for PRA survey of a worldbank project on poverty alleviation as PRA expert with LUPIN
· PhD thesis on “Economic Evaluation of Dairy Farming Systems in Haryana”, NDRI, Karnal, India, 2003.
· MSc thesis on “Economic Analysis of a District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Limited, Orissa”, 1996
· Identifying frontier technologies globally for poverty eradication, Chapter for the publication Technology Infrastructure as catalytic agent for eradicating rural poverty, October 2020, LLIM, Mumbai (ISBN 978-81-946614-0-5)
· IFCN Dairy Reports from 2001 to 2019, co-author, IFCN AG
· Strategies, tools and options in biodiversity to ensure sustainable dairy development in India in a global context, for national seminar on 17 feb 2018, Chapter under publication in the book "Biodiversity - Management concerns and challenges", LLIM, Mumbai
· Future dairy farming in India: Smart locally, Competitive globally, Chapter in book "Smart Training/ Workshops/ Seminar / Conference organized Farming Prospects and Problems", Dec 2017, LLIM, Mumbai
· 2002-2016 - International Farm Comparison Network, Representation of India as dairy economist; dairy farm and report presentation in Hemme et al. Dairy report 2002-04, (ISSN no. 1610-434X) Federal Agriculture Research Centre (FAL), Braunschweig, Germany.
· Dairy Development Programs in Andhra Pradesh: Impact and Risk for Dairy Farms ; publication date Jan 1, 2007, FAO, PPLPI
· A review of milk production in Orissa, India with special emphasis on small producers ; publication date Aug 1, 2005; FAO, PPLPI, Rome
· A review of milk production in India with special emphasis on small producers; publication date Dec 1, 2001; FAO, PPLPI
2021 – Baldin et al. Integrated Decision Support Systems (IDSS) for Dairy Farming: A Discussion on How to Improve Their Sustained Adoption; Animals
2021, 11,2025. •
2021 – Cue et al. Data Governance in the Dairy Industry; Animals 2021, 11, 2981.
· 2016 - Othman et al. Economics of dairy farming in Jordan; CIHEAM Watch Letter Nr. 35 “Milk and Dairy Products in the Mediterranean"
· 2006 – Garcia et al. Dairy Development Programs in Andhra Pradesh, India: Impacts and Risks for Small-scale Dairy Farms; FAO PPLPI Working paper, Nov. 2006.
· 2004 - Saha, A. K. and Jain, D. K. 2004. Technical Efficiency of dairy farms in developing countries: A case study of Haryana State, India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, September 2004.
· 2002 - Setting Priorities for Economic Development and Amartya Sen's Agenda, Conference proceedings of the 20th annual conference of Haryana Economic Association, march 2000, published in Kautaliya, 2002.
· 2001 - International Farm Comparison Network, Country report presentation in Dairy report 2001, Federal Agriculture Research Centre (FAL), Braunschweig, Germany.
· 2001 - Goat rearing: Toward greener pastures, Yojana, December 2000.
· 2000 - Setting Priorities for Economic Development and Amartya Sen's Agenda, Conference proceedings of the 20th annual conference of Haryana Economic Association, march 2000.
· 2000 - Economic viability of a district cooperative milk producers union limited and dairy plant in Orissa, Journal of Dairying, Foods and Home Sciences, Karnal, India.
· 1988 Cost and returns analysis of a milk union, Indian Cooperative Review, June 1998.
Experience as speaker, participant and as organizer. Have participated in over 40 seminars, conferences and workshops, and organized several. A brief follows:
2018 – Invited speaker at an event organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment on Dairy World & Recent Market Trends on Competitiveness and internationalization of livestock sectors.
2016 – Speaker on Global farm economics 2016- how did farmers respond in a crisis period, at the 14th IFCN Supporter Conferene held at Wageningen, Netherlands in September 2016.
2016 – Invited speaker at the 12th AFDA (African Dairy Conference) organized by ESADA on “Global Dairy Production Outlook. What are the Opportunities and Threats/Challenges in African Dairy” on Aug 31, 2016.
2016 – Speaker on Global farm economics 2016 at the 17th IFCN Dairy Conference held at Ghent, Belgium in June 2016.
2016 – Speaker at the 2nd IFCN Dairy Economic Workshop on “Dairy Farm Analysis- Farm Economics across the globe” at Kiel, Germany during 14-15 April 2016.
2015 – Organizer and main speaker on Competitiveness of Dairy Farm Economics in India at the 4th IFCN Regional Workshop held at New Delhi, India
2015 – Main speaker on Global farm economics 2015 at the 10th IFCN Supporter Conference at Minneapolis, USA
2015 – Invited speaker at 11th AFDA (African Dairy Conference) on the topic “The Economics of Dairy Farming Systems: A comparative approach” organized by ESADA
2015 – Main speaker on Global farm economics on “Competitiveness of milk production worldwide in 2014 and the drivers for inter-country variations” and leading the workshop on “what is a future farm?” at the 16th IFCN Global Dairy Conference in June Kiel, Germany
2014 – Invited speaker on the role of National Dairy Plan in Dairy development in India and future prospects and scenario at IAI Expo and Dairy Industry Vision 2030 organized by PCSL and Suruchi Consultants at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi during 20-22 February 2014.
2013 – Lead paper presentation on “Efficient farming systems planning based on household preferences: A case study in the humid agro-ecological zone of Haryana” in the national seminar on “ prospects of livestock and dairying in India under changing global economic era” during Jan 17-18, 2013 and rapporteur for the session on role of organized sector in livestock and dairy products.
2005 - Poster presentation on 'Interactive stochastic smallholder dairy farm modelling and its seamless linking to TIPI-CAL Dairy simulation model', EAAE Seminar on modelling Agricultural Policies: State of the art and new challenges, February 3-5 2005, Parma, Italy.
2005 - Paper presentation on 'Dairy farming in India: An interregional evaluation' at 5th IFCN International Dairy conference held at Braunschweig, Germany from 30 may to 1 june 2005.
2004 - Poster presentation on 'Competitiveness of milk production in main milk producing countries' at GeWisola, Berlin, Germany Sept. 2004
2004 - Poster presentation on 'Who Is More Competitive in the Dairy Chain in India -- Formal vs. Informal', Deutscher Tropentag, October 2004, Berlin, Germany.
2004 - Poster presentation on 'Evaluating International Competitiveness of Milk Production by major milk producing countries: Cost Analysis vs. Efficiency Analysis', IAMO forum, Nov. 2004, Halle, Germany.
2004 - Paper presentation on 'India: Perspectives for the largest milk producing country in the world' 3rd International Dairy Management Conference Milk production 2015 - What can dairy farmers expect today?
in cooperation with European Dairy Farmers (EDF) , November 2004, Hanover, Germany.
2003 - Annual congress of International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN), FAL, Braunschweig, Germany, held on 25 may - 28 may 2003 of 32 countries, represented typical farms from India.
2003 - Paper presentation on ' Technical efficiency and cost competitiveness of milk production in main milk producing countries' at the 2nd HEWPEM conference on 'business performance in a globalized economy, held on 29 may to 1 June 2003
2002 - Annual congress of International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN), FAL, Brauschweig, Germany, held on 25 may - 28 may 2002 of 26 countries, represented typical farms from India.
2001- 21st Annual Conference of Haryana Economic Association held at Department of Economics, Maharaja Agrasen College, Jagadhri, Haryana on march 23 -24 2001.
2001 - Using Cluster Analysis as a methodology for prototyping milk production systems: A case study of Haryana state, India; Conference proceedings on International Agricultural Research Development, Animal Production Systems, TROPENTAG, Bonn, Germany, 2001.
2001 - Annual congress of International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN), FAL, Brauschwieg, Germany, held on 27 june - 7 july 2001 of 21 countries, represented typical farms from India.
2001- International conference on 'Sustainable Food Security for All by 2020' held at Bonn, Germany by International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C., USA on September 4 - 6 2001.
2001 - International conference on 'One World: Research for a better quality of life' - Deutscher TROPENTAG 2001, and presented paper on 'Using Cluster Analysis as a methodology for prototyping dairy farming systems: a Case study of Haryana state, India' held at University of Bonn, October 9 -11, 2001.
1998 - 29th Dairy Industry conference of the Indian Dairy Association( North Zone), New Delhi held at National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal - 132 001 during 28 -29th November 1998..
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